Panda Multi Resorts - 6.1.0 (Dec 7, 2017)
Replace the following files and execute the queries in your SQL manager to perform the updates.
Booking results: graphical improvements
Extended module Destinations
>> Changes in the table pm_destination (! replace with your own default lang ID on line 4):
ALTER TABLE pm_destination CHANGE id id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE pm_destination DROP PRIMARY KEY; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN lang int AFTER id; UPDATE pm_destination SET lang = 2; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD PRIMARY KEY(id,lang); ALTER TABLE pm_destination CHANGE id id int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD CONSTRAINT destination_lang_fkey FOREIGN KEY (lang) REFERENCES pm_lang(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN title varchar(250) AFTER name; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN subtitle varchar(250) AFTER title; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN title_tag varchar(250) AFTER subtitle; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN alias varchar(100) AFTER title_tag; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN descr text AFTER alias; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN text longtext AFTER descr; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN video text AFTER text; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN lat double AFTER video; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN lng double AFTER lat; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN home int DEFAULT 0 AFTER lng; ALTER TABLE pm_destination ADD COLUMN rank int DEFAULT 0 AFTER checked;
>> Changes in the page Booking:
UPDATE pm_page SET article_model = 'booking' WHERE page_model = 'booking'; -- =========== CREATION OF THE TABLE pm_destination_file ========== CREATE TABLE pm_destination_file( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, lang int NOT NULL, id_item int NOT NULL, home int DEFAULT 0, checked int DEFAULT 1, rank int DEFAULT 0, file varchar(250), label varchar(250), type varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY(id, lang) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE pm_destination_file ADD CONSTRAINT destination_file_fkey FOREIGN KEY (id_item, lang) REFERENCES pm_destination(id, lang) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE pm_destination_file ADD CONSTRAINT destination_file_lang_fkey FOREIGN KEY (lang) REFERENCES pm_lang(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
>> New entries in the table pm_text (! as usual, replace with your translation and lang ids):
INSERT INTO pm_text (id, lang, name, value) VALUES (174, 1, 'NUM_ROOMS', 'Nb chambres'), (174, 2, 'NUM_ROOMS', 'Num rooms'), (174, 3, 'NUM_ROOMS', 'Num rooms'), (175, 1, 'TOP_DESTINATIONS', 'Top Destinations'), (175, 2, 'TOP_DESTINATIONS', 'Top Destinations'), (175, 3, 'TOP_DESTINATIONS', 'Top Destinations'), (176, 1, 'BEST_RATES_SUBTITLE', 'Meilleurs tarifs à partir de seulement {min_price}'), (176, 2, 'BEST_RATES_SUBTITLE', 'Best rates starting at just {min_price}'), (176, 3, 'BEST_RATES_SUBTITLE', 'Best rates starting at just {min_price}');
>> New page Destinations (! as usual, replace with your translation and lang ids):
INSERT INTO pm_page (id, lang, name, title, subtitle, title_tag, alias, descr, robots, keywords, intro, text, id_parent, page_model, article_model, home, checked, rank, add_date, edit_date, comment, rating, system) VALUES (20, 1, 'Destinations', 'Destinations', '', 'Destinations', 'destinations', '', 'index,follow', '', '', '', NULL, 'destinations', '', 0, 1, 7, 1510305821, 1512560230, 0, 0, 1), (20, 2, 'Destinations', 'Destinations', '', 'Destinations', 'destinations', '', 'index,follow', '', '', '', NULL, 'destinations', '', 0, 1, 7, 1510305821, 1512560230, 0, 0, 1), (20, 3, 'Destinations', 'Destinations', '', 'Destinations', 'destinations', '', 'index,follow', '', '', '', NULL, 'destinations', '', 0, 1, 7, 1510305821, 1512560230, 0, 0, 1); INSERT INTO pm_menu (id, lang, name, title, id_parent, item_type, id_item, url, main, footer, checked, rank) VALUES (20, 1, 'Destinations', '', NULL, 'page', 20, '', 1, 0, 1, 4), (20, 2, 'Destinations', '', NULL, 'page', 20, '', 1, 0, 1, 4), (20, 3, 'Destinations', '', NULL, 'page', 20, '', 1, 0, 1, 4);
Availability issue for booked rooms with several instances
Missing article title
Error in services on booking request