Panda Multi Resorts - 7.5.0 (Feb 6, 2020)
Replace the following files and execute the queries in your SQL manager to perform the updates.
NEW long-awaited feature! iCal Synchronization with OTA, Channel managers and your own calendars
User manual:
New iCal synchronization
>> New tables "pm_room_calendar" and "pm_ical_event":
-- =========== CREATION OF THE TABLE pm_room_calendar ============ CREATE TABLE pm_room_calendar( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_room int NOT NULL, title varchar(150), latest_sync int, url text, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE pm_room_calendar ADD CONSTRAINT room_calendar_fkey FOREIGN KEY (id_room) REFERENCES pm_room(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; -- ============ CREATION OF THE TABLE pm_ical_event ============== CREATE TABLE pm_ical_event( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_room int NOT NULL, title varchar(150), sync_date int, from_date int, to_date int, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE pm_ical_event ADD CONSTRAINT ical_event_fkey FOREIGN KEY (id_room) REFERENCES pm_room(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
>> new entries:
define('ENABLE_ICAL', '1'); define('ENABLE_AUTO_ICAL_SYNC', '1'); define('ICAL_SYNC_INTERVAL', 'daily'); // daily | hourly define('ICAL_SYNC_CLOCK', '3'); // 0-23h mode, required if ICAL_SYNC_INTERVAL = daily
>> new entries:
EXTERNAL_ICAL_CALENDARS="External iCal calendars" LATEST_SYNC="Latest synchronization" SYNC_ALL_CALENDARS="Synchronize all calendars" NUM_IMPORTED_EVENTS="Num. of imported events:" ICAL_SYNCHRONIZATION="iCal Synchronization" CALENDAR_URL="Calendar URL" COPY="Copy" COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD="Copy to Clipboard" COPIED="copied!" DOWNLOAD_CALENDAR="Download calendar" EXTERNAL_BOOKING="External_booking" ENABLE_ICAL_SYNC="Enable iCal synchronization" ENABLE_AUTO_ICAL_SYNC="Enable automatic iCal sync" ICAL_SYNC_INTERVAL="Synchronization interval" ICAL_SYNC_CLOCK="Synchronization clock"
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