Panda Multi Resorts - 7.0.0 (Dec 8, 2018)
Replace the following files and execute the queries in your SQL manager to perform the updates.
New column type in the admin listing (case)
Possibility to add custom navigation and script in each module
Booking auto completion
>> New columns ex_tax, paid and balance in the table pm_booking:
ALTER TABLE pm_booking ADD ex_tax FLOAT NULL AFTER total, ADD paid FLOAT NULL AFTER down_payment, ADD balance FLOAT NULL AFTER paid, ADD tax_amount FLOAT NULL AFTER balance;
>> New columns ex_tax and tax_rate in the tables pm_booking_room, pm_booking_service and pm_booking_activity:
ALTER TABLE pm_booking_room ADD ex_tax double DEFAULT 0 AFTER amount, ADD tax_rate double DEFAULT 0 AFTER ex_tax; ALTER TABLE pm_booking_activity ADD ex_tax double DEFAULT 0 AFTER amount, ADD tax_rate double DEFAULT 0 AFTER ex_tax; ALTER TABLE pm_booking_service ADD ex_tax double DEFAULT 0 AFTER amount, ADD tax_rate double DEFAULT 0 AFTER ex_tax;
>> New table pm_booking_payment:
-- ========== CREATION OF THE TABLE pm_booking_payment ========== CREATE TABLE pm_booking_payment( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_booking int NOT NULL, descr varchar(100), method varchar(100), amount double DEFAULT 0, trans varchar(100), PRIMARY KEY(id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE pm_booking_payment ADD CONSTRAINT booking_payment_fkey FOREIGN KEY (id_booking) REFERENCES pm_booking(id) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE;
>> New payment options reference:
UPDATE pm_booking SET payment_method = 'arrival' WHERE payment_method = 'On arrival'; UPDATE pm_booking SET payment_method = 'check' WHERE payment_method = 'Check'; UPDATE pm_booking SET payment_method = 'paypal' WHERE payment_method = 'PayPal'; UPDATE pm_booking SET payment_method = 'card' WHERE payment_method = 'Credit card (';
>> Column payment_method renamed:
ALTER TABLE pm_booking CHANGE payment_method payment_option varchar(50);
New service price types
Booking overview panel
>> New table pm_room_closing
-- ============ CREATION OF THE TABLE pm_room_closing ============ CREATE TABLE pm_room_closing( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_room int NOT NULL, from_date int, to_date int, stock int DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE pm_room_closing ADD CONSTRAINT room_closing_fkey FOREIGN KEY (id_room) REFERENCES pm_room(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
Possibility to block several periods per room
>> New entry CLOSING_DATES
Filling fields with GET values
Numeric value restriction
Braintree payment option
Select children age ranges
>> New table pm_rate_child
-- ============== CREATION OF THE TABLE pm_rate_child ============ CREATE TABLE pm_rate_child( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_rate int NOT NULL, min_age int, max_age int, price double DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE pm_rate_child ADD CONSTRAINT rate_child_fkey FOREIGN KEY (id_rate) REFERENCES pm_rate(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
>> New entries in the table pm_text
INSERT INTO pm_text (id, lang, name, value) VALUES (180, 1, 'CHILDREN_AGE', 'Age des enfants'), (180, 2, 'CHILDREN_AGE', 'Age of children'), (180, 3, 'CHILDREN_AGE', 'Age of children');
Hotel registration
>> New entries in the table pm_text
INSERT INTO pm_text (id, lang, name, value) VALUES (181, 1, 'I_AM_HOTEL_OWNER', 'Je suis propriétaire'), (181, 2, 'I_AM_HOTEL_OWNER', 'I am a hotel owner'), (181, 3, 'I_AM_HOTEL_OWNER', 'I am a hotel owner'), (182, 1, 'I_AM_TRAVELER', 'Je suis vacancier'), (182, 2, 'I_AM_TRAVELER', 'I am a traveler'), (182, 3, 'I_AM_TRAVELER', 'I am a traveler');
Bug on extra tables for multilingual modules
Use of official Bootstrap CDN
Bug on booking request
Bug in the alerts on submitting booking details