Panda Multi Resorts - 6.3.0 (Oct 4, 2018)
Replace the following files and execute the queries in your SQL manager to perform the updates.
Mandatory services and extra services per periode
>> New columns mandatory, start_date, end_date in the table pm_service
ALTER TABLE pm_service ADD mandatory INT DEFAULT 0 AFTER taxes, ADD start_date INT NULL AFTER mandatory, ADD end_date INT NULL AFTER start_date;
>> New entry MANDATORY
View only permission
/admin/modules/booking/booking/config.xml (editor/manager permissions)
reCaptcha languages
Room blocked during the booking process
+ Booking reminder
>> New table pm_room_lock:
-- ============== CREATION OF THE TABLE pm_room_lock ============= CREATE TABLE pm_room_lock( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, id_room int, from_date int, to_date int, add_date int, sessid varchar(50), PRIMARY KEY(id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE pm_room_lock ADD CONSTRAINT room_lock_fkey FOREIGN KEY (id_room) REFERENCES pm_room(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
>> New entries in the table pm_text (! as usual, replace with your translation and lang ids):
INSERT INTO pm_text (id, lang, name, value) VALUES (179, 1, 'COMPLETE_YOUR_BOOKING', 'Terminez votre réservation !'), (179, 2, 'COMPLETE_YOUR_BOOKING', 'Complete your booking!'), (179, 3, 'COMPLETE_YOUR_BOOKING', 'Complete your booking!');
Special characters in emails headers
RTL issue when foreign languages disabled
Wrong dates manually entered blocked