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Pandao CMS pro - 5.0.0 (Aug 4, 2021)

Replace the following files and execute the queries in your SQL manager to perform the updates.

Breaking changes : major update with breaking changes. All files are concerned. Download the latest version and replace all the files except the images and your own css files. You also need to add the prefix “PMS_” in front of all the constant names in the file /common/config.php (for ex. SITE_TITLE becomes PMS_SITE_TITLE).


  • "use strict" added in JS files
  • on(); used rather than .click(), .bind(), .hover(), .submit()
  • external JS libraries updated
  • commented/unused code removed
  • prefix "pms_" added for variables, constants and functions
  • migration from PHP 7 to PHP 8
  • upgrade from CKEditor 4 to 5