Pandao CMS pro - 3.7.0 (Dec 15, 2016)
Replace the following files and execute the queries in your SQL manager to perform the updates.
New navigation management (new module Menu)
>> New table pm_menu
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pm_menu( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, lang int NOT NULL, name varchar(50), title varchar(250), id_parent int, item_type varchar(30), id_item int, url text, main int DEFAULT 1, footer int DEFAULT 0, checked int DEFAULT 0, rank int DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(id, lang) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE pm_menu ADD CONSTRAINT menu_lang_fkey FOREIGN KEY (lang) REFERENCES pm_lang(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
>> Copy the following PHP script (add the opening php tag at the beginning) in a new file (e.g. update.php) in the root of your website (beside index.php) and execute the script (e.g. in your browser: http//www.mywebsite.tld/update.php), then remove the file:
require("common/lib.php"); require("common/define.php"); $i = 0; $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pm_page WHERE footer = 1 OR main = 1 OR id_parent IN(SELECT id FROM pm_page WHERE main = 1) ORDER BY id, lang"); if($result !== false){ foreach($result as $row){ $data = array(); $data['id'] = $row['id']; $data['lang'] = $row['lang']; $data['name'] = $row['name']; $data['title'] = $row['title']; $data['id_parent'] = ($row['id_parent'] == 0) ? null : $row['id_parent']; $data['item_type'] = "page"; $data['id_item'] = $row['id']; $data['main'] = (empty($row['footer']) && empty($row['main'])) ? 1 : $row['main']; $data['footer'] = $row['footer']; $data['checked'] = $row['checked']; $data['rank'] = $row['rank']; $result_insert = db_prepareInsert($db, "pm_menu", $data); if($result_insert !== false){ if($result_insert->execute() !== false) $i++; } } } echo "$i menu items successfully inserted!"; $i = 0; $n = 0; $id = 0; $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pm_widget WHERE pos = 'footer' ORDER BY rank, id"); if($result !== false){ foreach($result as $row){ if($id != $row['id']){ $id = $row['id']; $n++; } if($n > 3) $n = 3; $data = array(); $data['id'] = $row['id']; $data['pos'] = "footer_col_".$n; $result_update = db_prepareUpdate($db, "pm_widget", $data); if($result_update !== false){ if($result_update->execute() !== false) $i++; } } } echo "$i widgets successfully updated!";
/templates/default/models/sitemap.php (articles no longer displayed here)
Possibility to add multiple widgets / column in the footer
>> WIDGETS block
New module Social (social network links)
>> New table pm_social:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pm_social( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type varchar(50), url text, checked int DEFAULT 1, rank int DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
String truncation issue with HTML tags in the listings of the admin panel
Error parsing translation file of the admin panel
RTL support for phone and email icons (preheader)
Log out from admin panel if user type is "registered"