Pandao CMS pro - 4.1.4 (May 21, 2018)
Replace the following files and execute the queries in your SQL manager to perform the updates.
GDPR compliance
>> New entries in table pm_text (! as usual, replace with your translation and lang ids):
INSERT INTO pm_text (id, lang, name, value) VALUES (66, 1, 'PRIVACY_POLICY_AGREEMENT', 'J''accèpte que les informations recueillies par ce formulaire soient stockées dans un fichier informatisé afin de traiter ma demande. Conformément au "Réglement Général sur la Protection des Données", vous pouvez exercer votre droit d''accès aux données vous concernant et les faire rectifier via le formulaire de contact.'), (66, 2, 'PRIVACY_POLICY_AGREEMENT', 'I agree that the information collected by this form will be stored in a database in order to process my request. In accordance with the "General Data Protection Regulation", you can exercise your right to access to your data and make them rectified via the contact form.'), (66, 3, 'PRIVACY_POLICY_AGREEMENT', 'I agree that the information collected by this form will be stored in a database in order to process my request. In accordance with the "General Data Protection Regulation", you can exercise your right to access to your data and make them rectified via the contact form.');
Possibility to edit publish date before current year
Bug on extra tables for multilingual modules